Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Season 2, Episode 4: ELISE GRAZZINE- Renowned Craft Brew Bar Ma Che Siete Vinuti A Fa in Rome, Italy that puts on Eurhop Roma Beer Festival and Franken Bier Fest - We Discuss Bringing Passion to Your Brewery or Bar; The Touristification of Rome; Differenc
Season 2, Ep. 4 - Elise Grazzine - Renowned Craft Brew Bar "Ma Che Siete Venuti A Fa" in Rome, Italy that puts on Eurhop Roma Beer Festival and Franken Bier Fest - We Discuss Bringing Passion to Your Brewery or Bar; The Touristification of Rome; Differences Between Opening a Business in Italy versus America; What Italians Do Right; What Americans Could Learn from the Italian Way of Life; How Italians View Americans; The Pandemic Effect on Business in Rome; Beers Beers Beers.
This is a short one hour episode but it's one of my favorite not just because I got to record it in Rome, Italy! Elise is soft spoken but passionate and has a beautiful accent, born in Rome with a Dutch parent. She has that Roman vitality in her speech, and speaks of Roman glory and soul lost. She caught me off guard with her love of Lord of the Rings books. We recorded it in the taproom, you could feel the age of the building in its walls and in its wooden rafters. There are some background sounds as the entire room watched us record, which was intimidating at first but after a few minutes we forgot they were there. The entire place was probably less that 600 square feet but was constantly packed with regulars and newbies discovering it from reviews, they are known as the best craft beer place in Rome and are known throughout the entire Continent. Their passion for beer and conversation come through immediately.
My favorite part may be the front's not decorated, it's even a little trashy with graffiti in the typical Rome way and you feel the authenticity and neighborhood love here. It's set in the fairytale setting of Trastevere, a vine covered section of Rome next to the River and the City Center.
Put this place on your list to visit for a few beers when you're in Rome next.