Reganomics with Blaise Regan

Season 2, Episode 9: RICHARD SIBERRY - Owner of Black Donkey Brewery in Ireland

BLAISE REGAN Season 2 Episode 9

Season 2, Episode 9: RICHARD SIBERRY - Owner of Black Donkey Brewery in Ireland

This interview takes place at Black Donkey Brewery in Ireland with Richard Siberry. We talk How to make international sales operating out of a tiny town in the countryside (a few hundred people); The Differences of running a business in Ireland versus the US; Real Estate in Ireland; How to get a license to run a pub/taproom in Ireland (hint: costs at least $65,000 for the license); Biggest Surprises as a business owner; What it takes to build a successful business anywhere.

He lived and worked in New York for decades so he has great insight into the differences between the two countries. He's got a nice Irish accent too that makes it easy to listen to the entire episode. Enjoy!