Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Show focusing on practical business talk and common sense politics with insights from small business owners, artists, and local politicians.
Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Mark Perkins - Owner of Perkins Insurance Agency
Season 2
Episode 15
Mark Perkins
Owner of Perkins Insurance Agency
Mark owns Perkins Insurance Agency with locations in Abilene, Eastland, and in Franklin, Tennessee. We talk about running a business that doesn't sell something sexy (aka insurance); How you bring enthusiasm to your business team; How you identify what you as a leader are weak at and how you fill the gap; Two things a professor taught him that still guide him in his work today; How you balance a natural drive to expand with tempered advice and steady growth; How Franklin differs from Abilene and what they're doing well that Abilene can learn and improve upon.