Reganomics with Blaise Regan

Lindsay Flores - Owner of Matera Bar & Grill

BLAISE REGAN Season 2 Episode 19

Lindsay Flores just opened Matera Bar & Grill in South of Downtown Abilene District and she's a great speaker on the show; she's full of passion and insight and honest answers.

She knows every level of the restaurant world... She has a background as a waiter, manager, and general manager of a very successful restaurant and now as a fresh restaurant owner so her insight into the inner workings of a restaurant are great to hear!

We talk about the difference between being a GM to becoming an owner of a restaurant; Why people still open restaurants despite the high failure and slim profit margins; The line between being a boss and being a friend to employees; Her favorite hiring interview questions; How useful a business plan is; Biggest mistakes she's made and what she wishes new business owners knew; The nitty gritty process of opening a business; What she'd love to see in Abilene; Her best tips for new business owners out there; and much more!

Listen and Learn!