Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Show focusing on practical business talk and common sense politics with insights from small business owners, artists, and local politicians.
Reganomics with Blaise Regan
Dillon Clark - Owner of Clark Nissan Dealership
Season 2
Episode 20
Dillon Clark - Owner of Clark Nissan Dealership
Dillon moved to Abilene a few years ago and at the age of 29 owns the Clark Nissan Dealership on I-20. He has held every position in the car dealership world, from sales, to carwashing and tires, to General Manager. He talks about the system needed to run a large business like a dealership; How he turned around a failing dealership in Manhattan, Kansas; How you find a business mentor; How to negotiate on car prices; How he starts off his day on the right foot; His business weakness and what he does to compensate; Best things about Abilene from a new resident perspective; Best Tips for entrepreneurs and more!
Listen and learn.