Reganomics with Blaise Regan

Fidele Sebahizi - Survivor of a UN Refugee Camp Massacre, Author, and Officer at Abilene Police Department

BLAISE REGAN Season 3 Episode 4

Fidele Sebahizi is an immigrant from the Congo, survived a UN refugee camp massacre, immigrated to the US, and became an American citizen and an officer in the Abilene Police Department. While an officer he earned his bachelors, Masters, and PhD and wrote a book on his journey from a small village in Eastern Congo in Africa to Abilene, Texas. He tells of the brutal violence he experienced and the fight for an education. 

In our interview we talk about the difference in the education system there versus in America; the difference between police accountability there versus America; the difference between racial tensions there versus America; and if he were made President of the Congo what he would do. We talk a little about his journey but really you should buy his book: Creating a Life from the Ashes.